Image-Guided Breast Oncologic Treatment

Robert L Bard, Noelle L Cutter, Stephen Chagares

Research & Scholarship: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


Three-dimensional vascular imaging has provided a quantifiable measure of treatment success or failure in breast diseases. The ability to presurgically map the vessel distribution allows for targeted surgical planning. The vessel density correlates with activity in both the breast cancer and the locoregional disease. Postoperative pathologic analysis is assisted by focusing on tumor tissue rather than benign disease associated with a primary or recurrent malignancy. The new advances of volumetric analysis make this exam less operator dependent as the probe is fixed in position. The addition of ABUS-automated whole-breast ultrasound has improved screening on dense breasts, while 3D elastography guides biopsy options making this diagnostic menu a sentinel advance in breast conservation. Prevention of breast disease is possible by reducing exposure to environmental factors, better nutrition, and genetic counseling.
Original languageAmerican English
Title of host publicationImage-Guided Aesthetic Treamtents
StatePublished - Sep 2023


  • dimensional vascular imaging
  • breast diseases
  • image guided biopsy
  • 3D doppler


  • Medicine and Health Sciences
  • Physical Sciences and Mathematics

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