Interactive Educational Content using Marker based Augmented Reality

K. Martin Sagayam, D. Jude Hemanth, Andrew J, Chiung Ching Ho, Helen Dang

Research & Scholarship: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


Now-a-days augmented reality (AR) has become an interactive and collaborative tool for educational applications. AR makes the teaching and learning process more effective and allows the user to access the virtual objects in the real world. Although AR technology enhances the educational outcome, psychological, and pedagogical aspect for real-time usage in the classroom, the most important problem is the lighting conditions on which the output clarity is dependent. They can be affected by reflections from overhead lights and the light from the windows. Omnidirectional lighting can be used to avoid this problem. If the marker is moved out of the camera view, then the recognition will fail. Hence, we are using markers with large black and white regions that are low-frequency patterns. An augmented reality application for mathematics and geometry in school level education system is discussed in this paper.
Original languageAmerican English
Title of host publicationInformation Technology and Intelligent Transportation Systems
StatePublished - Oct 1 2020


  • Computer Sciences

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