Police Behavior, Hiring, and Crime Fighting

John Eterno (Editor), Ben Stickel (Editor), Diana Scharff Peterson (Editor), Dilip K Das (Editor)

Research & Scholarship: Book/ReportBook


This edited collection by internationally recognized authors provides essays on police behavior in the categories of police administration, police operations, and combating specific crimes. Individual chapters strike at critical issues for police today, such as maintaining the well-being of officers, handling stress, hiring practices, child sexual exploitation, gunrunning, crime prevention strategies, police legitimacy, and much more.
Understanding how police are hired and behave is a way of understanding different governments around the world. The book will cover the practices of countries as diverse as China, Germany, India, Japan, Turkey, South Africa, the United States, and others. Readers will be exposed to aspects of police that are rarely, if ever, explored.
The book is intended for a wide range of audiences, including law enforcement and community leaders and students of criminal justice.
Original languageAmerican English
ISBN (Electronic)9781003047117
StatePublished - 2022


  • Law
  • Law Enforcement and Corrections
  • Criminology

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